The Character Princess Peaches is used as a way of moving around the game as Mario and Luigi's task is to save the damsel in distress.The player takes on the role of Mario, the protagonist. The objective is to race through the Mushroom Kingdom and survive the main antagonist Bowser's forces and save Princess Toadstool. The player moves from the left side of the screen to the right side in order to get to the flag pole at the end of each level. The game is suitable for almost any age as it doesnt conform any real type of violence, or bad behaviour that younger children may copy and it is not seen as being influential and promoting any drug use or bad language.
Violence is used in a very suttle way, things like gaining fire and ice powers therefore shooting the rivals and makign them either freeze or fall off the screen. As for other enimies Mario simply jumps on top of them, making then unconcious, for a few seconds.
12Q1 - VIDEO GAMES 2011
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
ada , alex b
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Structure : Visually there are gun fights, blood on the screen and disturbing images which show violence in many different ways (psychological or physical). There are also instant replays which replay and focus on the kills. The audio of the game features violent sound effects ,e.g gunshots, explosions and sounds of pain (screams).
Target Audience : The game is classified as an 18 + meaning the target audience must be over the age of 18, also the themes of the game are mature.
Issues: the game play could be influential towards younger children, although the game is an 18 children younger are still expected to see the game and it may cause an issue. although the game is relatively gore less compared to many other games on the market.
Structure : Visually there are gun fights, blood on the screen and disturbing images which show violence in many different ways (psychological or physical). There are also instant replays which replay and focus on the kills. The audio of the game features violent sound effects ,e.g gunshots, explosions and sounds of pain (screams).
Target Audience : The game is classified as an 18 + meaning the target audience must be over the age of 18, also the themes of the game are mature.
Issues: the game play could be influential towards younger children, although the game is an 18 children younger are still expected to see the game and it may cause an issue. although the game is relatively gore less compared to many other games on the market.
Issues - The game revolves around harsh and bloody violence, consisting of one man running around the city beating up, and assaulting innocent victims. Within the game you are allowed to shoot, stab, blow up and punch up people as you complete levels. This game could potentially promote violent behaviour towards a younger generation that may be playing the game. Although the game is rated 18 it is evident that parents will buy the game for their children. The violence displayed on screen could be influencial towards them and cause them to unintentionally act out aggressively.
Target Audience - The game is rated 18 by the BBFC, however this is only due to the amount of graphic violence within the game. The actually intended audience is for teenage boys as they are more likely to enjoy playing video games regularly.
Joe & Jake
Target Audience - The game is rated 18 by the BBFC, however this is only due to the amount of graphic violence within the game. The actually intended audience is for teenage boys as they are more likely to enjoy playing video games regularly.
Joe & Jake
representation of violence. Game: Gears of war.
The bbfc classified this game as 18. One of the reasons for this would be the content of this game for example; the gore detail and amount within the game would not be suitable for younger ages, the use of language within the game for example swearing also would not be suitable for audience younger than 18, this would also be influential behaviour. the target audience for Gears of war would be boys aged 18 and over. one of the reasons for this would be that it contains the theme of war and conflict, this would usually attract a male audience however this is a common stereotype and there might be a variety. one way in which we could recognize the representation would be through the narrative for example, the narrative revolves around battle and conflict which would reflect the representation of violence. The costume that the characters wear would also represent violence for example all the characters are wearing battle uniform and you would associate with violence. The setting would also attract the target audience for this game for example; the settings are derelict destroyed buildings. also the colour scheme would not attract a female audience as it is dull and the variety of colour is not vary big. the styles within the game would also be targeted for a male audience for example during game play there are curtain realistic aspects, such as the fact that the characters are part of a squad and use tactics and particular formations that the audience would reflect and recognize to be army and war related.

The bbfc classified this game as 18. One of the reasons for this would be the content of this game for example; the gore detail and amount within the game would not be suitable for younger ages, the use of language within the game for example swearing also would not be suitable for audience younger than 18, this would also be influential behaviour. the target audience for Gears of war would be boys aged 18 and over. one of the reasons for this would be that it contains the theme of war and conflict, this would usually attract a male audience however this is a common stereotype and there might be a variety. one way in which we could recognize the representation would be through the narrative for example, the narrative revolves around battle and conflict which would reflect the representation of violence. The costume that the characters wear would also represent violence for example all the characters are wearing battle uniform and you would associate with violence. The setting would also attract the target audience for this game for example; the settings are derelict destroyed buildings. also the colour scheme would not attract a female audience as it is dull and the variety of colour is not vary big. the styles within the game would also be targeted for a male audience for example during game play there are curtain realistic aspects, such as the fact that the characters are part of a squad and use tactics and particular formations that the audience would reflect and recognize to be army and war related.

Representation of violence and or women in video games - Call of Duty
Call of Duty Black Ops
Call of Duty Black Ops is a first person shooter game which was developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. Due to the content being based around war and shooting the classification for the game is an 18 by the BBFC. After its first 6 weeks of release Activision reported that the game had reached $1 billion in sales. There is a campaign mode in the game which a single player takes the role of different characters throughout the game to complete the story. There is also online and offline multiplayer games modes, with the online game the players split into two teams with which they can play various games such as capture the flag.
The rating of 18 comes from the fact the game includes strong bloody violence and strong language. The target audience are casual gamers who like action and shooting. Although the age classification is an 18 the actual audiences age range starts at around 14 years old, which is really young considering the content of the game.
The main issue that may surround the game is the likelihood of the users behaviour being influenced. This is especially the case in users whose age is below the classification.
Call of Duty Black Ops is a first person shooter game which was developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. Due to the content being based around war and shooting the classification for the game is an 18 by the BBFC. After its first 6 weeks of release Activision reported that the game had reached $1 billion in sales. There is a campaign mode in the game which a single player takes the role of different characters throughout the game to complete the story. There is also online and offline multiplayer games modes, with the online game the players split into two teams with which they can play various games such as capture the flag.
The rating of 18 comes from the fact the game includes strong bloody violence and strong language. The target audience are casual gamers who like action and shooting. Although the age classification is an 18 the actual audiences age range starts at around 14 years old, which is really young considering the content of the game.
The main issue that may surround the game is the likelihood of the users behaviour being influenced. This is especially the case in users whose age is below the classification.
Portal - Sam and HollyyyyyyYyyyYYyYy
The classification is 12+ this is because there is minimal si-ficirific violence.
Portal represents violence in a comical way the enemies don't seem aware that they are attacking anyone or causing any violence they are simply complying with their programming.
We recognise this representation of violence because they shoot you in the face. The use of violence is obvious to the audience this is shown by the antagonist who is speaking to you throughout the game giving you useful information about the different ways that you can die in the game.
The game will not influence the audience because all of the violence is sci-ficirific and so the audience will not be able to imitate the violence that is in the game.
The genre is Action/Platform/Puzzle game.
Portal represents violence in a comical way the enemies don't seem aware that they are attacking anyone or causing any violence they are simply complying with their programming.
We recognise this representation of violence because they shoot you in the face. The use of violence is obvious to the audience this is shown by the antagonist who is speaking to you throughout the game giving you useful information about the different ways that you can die in the game.
The game will not influence the audience because all of the violence is sci-ficirific and so the audience will not be able to imitate the violence that is in the game.
The genre is Action/Platform/Puzzle game.
Representation of violence and/or women in video games.
Tomb Raider.
how do we recognize this representation within the structure? the game portrays the main character Lara Croft in a very positive light, due to the animation making her very feminine looking, so she is definitely recognizable as a woman, however the nature of the game is very violent and the actions the player has to take to get through the game are conventionally very masculine (shooting animals, people and climbing around everywhere)
the target audience for the first Tomb Raider game would generally be around young teenagers, the BBFC classification is 12, due to the bad graphics causing the game to be less frightening, and you don't really see any references to anything unsuitable for young people to see. 12 is the target audience i think because nobody younger than that would be able to work the controls of the game in all the complicated ways, such as controls of movement and maneuvering the character around, as well as this there isn't anything unsuitable or rude about the game. the game is based around role play, as the player controls the actions of the character, this makes the target audience somebody that would be interested in action games, and role playing within an action story.
i think there may be a few issues around the game, a classic issue would be that young males can perv on the character in the game, as there was a very popular rumor that a code involved in the game structure enables the character to become naked, however this rumor was not true and was hastily put to rest/. she is quite a sexual kind of character, due to her skimpy costume of little shorts and a tight top, as well as the way she makes audio noises when she is jumping around and such, which may be seen as quite sexual.
when you look at the original tomb raider game and then look at the most recent released, it is plain to see that the graphics quality has improved, however they have also changed the appearance of Lara Croft slightly. although she clearly wears the same clothing her face has been made to look more like a model wearing makeup, she is clearly more feminine in her build due to her more skinny looking arms - generally they have tried to make her more attractive, and if anything more realistic to the target audience - which may also affect the rating of the game, due to this increase in sexually attractive characters.
how do we recognize this representation within the structure? the game portrays the main character Lara Croft in a very positive light, due to the animation making her very feminine looking, so she is definitely recognizable as a woman, however the nature of the game is very violent and the actions the player has to take to get through the game are conventionally very masculine (shooting animals, people and climbing around everywhere)
the target audience for the first Tomb Raider game would generally be around young teenagers, the BBFC classification is 12, due to the bad graphics causing the game to be less frightening, and you don't really see any references to anything unsuitable for young people to see. 12 is the target audience i think because nobody younger than that would be able to work the controls of the game in all the complicated ways, such as controls of movement and maneuvering the character around, as well as this there isn't anything unsuitable or rude about the game. the game is based around role play, as the player controls the actions of the character, this makes the target audience somebody that would be interested in action games, and role playing within an action story.
i think there may be a few issues around the game, a classic issue would be that young males can perv on the character in the game, as there was a very popular rumor that a code involved in the game structure enables the character to become naked, however this rumor was not true and was hastily put to rest/. she is quite a sexual kind of character, due to her skimpy costume of little shorts and a tight top, as well as the way she makes audio noises when she is jumping around and such, which may be seen as quite sexual.
when you look at the original tomb raider game and then look at the most recent released, it is plain to see that the graphics quality has improved, however they have also changed the appearance of Lara Croft slightly. although she clearly wears the same clothing her face has been made to look more like a model wearing makeup, she is clearly more feminine in her build due to her more skinny looking arms - generally they have tried to make her more attractive, and if anything more realistic to the target audience - which may also affect the rating of the game, due to this increase in sexually attractive characters.
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