The bbfc classified this game as 18. One of the reasons for this would be the content of this game for example; the gore detail and amount within the game would not be suitable for younger ages, the use of language within the game for example swearing also would not be suitable for audience younger than 18, this would also be influential behaviour. the target audience for Gears of war would be boys aged 18 and over. one of the reasons for this would be that it contains the theme of war and conflict, this would usually attract a male audience however this is a common stereotype and there might be a variety. one way in which we could recognize the representation would be through the narrative for example, the narrative revolves around battle and conflict which would reflect the representation of violence. The costume that the characters wear would also represent violence for example all the characters are wearing battle uniform and you would associate with violence. The setting would also attract the target audience for this game for example; the settings are derelict destroyed buildings. also the colour scheme would not attract a female audience as it is dull and the variety of colour is not vary big. the styles within the game would also be targeted for a male audience for example during game play there are curtain realistic aspects, such as the fact that the characters are part of a squad and use tactics and particular formations that the audience would reflect and recognize to be army and war related.

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